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Consultative Selling Methodology

The consultative sales methodology we are using in some regions in CSI is called SPIN selling, which is a communication-focused methodology enabling sales reps to ask the right questions, at the right time, to help the prospect to acknowledge their needs from which our sales team can link it back to our services.

This question-based approach is designed to help our sales reps engage effectively, build trust, uncover their needs, and help them arrive at a solution for their problems.

SPIN stands for the four kinds of questions successful salespeople ask their customers: Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-payoff. It works from the theory that relationship selling is customer-centric. It requires you to adapt your selling process to your customer, and it delivers personal solutions.

In this SPIN selling training module, you will learn about the basics you need to start using and practicing this methodology in your sales process. ENJOY!

At the bottom of this itinerary you will find a section named “Files” where you can find relevant downloadable material that you can either print or save in your computer for further reading later. Click on the file and it will automatically download into your computer. We recommend to have the materials easily accessible as they can be helpful for the assessment tests at the end of each module.

If you have any further questions you would like to clarify after completing this training, please address them with your manager first. In case you need even further clarifications, you can contact your HR dpt who can direct you to the most adequate subject matter expert.
  • Introduction
  • 1. The Buying Cycle
  • 2. Value drivers
  • 3. Customer needs
  • 4. Timing is everything in major sales
  • 5. The Value Scale
  • 6. Implied & explicit needs
  • 7. Questions are key to influencing sample
  • Conclusions
  • Additional resources
  • Exercises: Consultative selling
  • Course feedback
  • Assessment
Completion rules
  • You must complete the test "Assessment"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever